Monday, December 6, 2010

Past Events:

The Alesha McDaniel Project

“It benefits you just as much as the people you serve. There is no better feeling than knowing you've made a positive impact on another person's life. It is my responsibility, due to all of the privileges I have been given, to help those that have less."

Hi Everyone :)
I know a lot of yall know about Alesha McDaniel. She's a student at Spain Park, and she has Down Syndrome. She's 20 years old and living in a group home right now. She has a pretty horrific story that I'm not going to post on facebook, but needless to say.. she needs our help.

I know I have spoken to a lot of people about the shopping trip that I have planned to take on December 12, 2010. We are meeting at the galleria at 1:00 (Hopefully that's after church for everyone) at the front entrance of Belks. Alesha needs new everything. This includes clothes, but also undergarments and etc. Alesha is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met, and she deserves to have an amazing Christmas. Since she needs such a large amount of clothes I am asking that every volunteer either purchase one article of clothing (or outfit) or donate an outfit. And if you can't buy and you just want to come that is fine, you'll still get hours. If you still want to help, but can't make the shopping trip with us then go on your own time (it will still count for communiy service). The plus of going with the group is that I can tell yall what would best fit her and what not. She is size 10-12 in the pants and she wears a Large top. I can explain more about it at the mall. 

***IMPORTANT: every hour sent shopping or any other project done for Alesha is counted as community service!! :) 

I know this is very important to me, and I want it to be important to other people too. The impact that we can make on Alesha could change her life forever. Since everyone will be contributing to her "new closet" everyone is invited to SP's Special Education Christmas Party where she will open all her gifts. I promise you that if you come and watch her open the gift you personally picked out for her and look at the smile on her face, then you will never be the same.. I can promise you that. 

Also, this doesn't just have to be a SP thing, if you hear of anyone interested that may need community service hours or just wants to hear Alesha's story and get plugged in, then by all means invite them to the shopping trip or give them my number (at the bottom of the page). 

I am also talking to some boys about getting her a dresser made and then girls can decorate it.  This will also be counted as community service. We can't send the clothes home because the others girls in the home with her take them, so we have to keep them at school. 

Yall, I can not thank yall enough for helping me with this organization. iCare is going to change so many lives, I know it. With my amazing "leadership team" that has helped me SO much, Morgan Carter, Katherine Mee, and Meg Merrit. 

I know that Alesha is going to have the best Christmas of her life. If you have any questions you can contact me at 205-901-0207 or Thanks again :)

St. Judes Benefit Concert!

Julianne Hough and Joe Nichols will be preforming live for the 102 Five The Bull Acoustic for the kids Concert!!  It's this wednesday at 8 oclock at Workplay!  The cool thing about St. Judes is that they will not turn someone down because of their inability to pay for treatment.  Also, St. Judes has found so many wonderful cures and your donations will help heal these wonderful kids. Tickets are only $12 dollars!!!! Come out and support this amazing cause, and see a pretty cool concert:)

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